
Weight Loss

With nearly 40 percent of U.S. adults battling obesity, it's no surprise that the diet industry continues to grow. Worse yet, new fad diets inundating our news feeds and inboxes can make it difficult to find a weight loss program that actually works, and to stick to it.

If you have failed repeatedly to achieve your weight loss goals, it may be time to consider seeking professional weight loss help. Perhaps you're simply trying to lose weight to be healthier. Or, you might want to lower your risk for an obesity-related disease, such as diabetes, or manage symptoms of an already diagnosed disease. At Merit Health River Oaks, we work with a wide variety of Flowood-area patients, providing both non-surgical and surgical solutions and compassionate support when traditional options haven't worked.

Medically Managed Weight Loss

Our medically managed weight loss program takes a holistic and lifestyle-based approach to health and wellness. With conflicting information about what to eat and how to exercise, getting healthy on your own can often be confusing and overwhelming. For many with busy schedules and sedentary jobs, it's not easy to lose weight alone. Knowing how to manage the changes that are occurring as you lose weight can be helpful to long-term success.

With a medically managed weight loss program, a physician-led team designs a personalized plan to help you set achievable weight loss goals tailored for your specific health needs. They advise you on a diet, exercise regimen, medication and help examine your emotional relationship to food. In addition, your team provides educational support to assist with behavior modification and can assess any medical problems related to your weight, such as sleep apnea, diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and anxiety or depression.

Bariatric Surgery

For those struggling with severe obesity, we offer surgical weight loss procedure options. These procedures work by changing the anatomy of your stomach and digestive tract to either restrict food intake, limit the calories that can be absorbed or both. These surgical alterations affect the production of intestinal hormones to reduce hunger and increase feelings of fullness. Patients must meet certain criteria to qualify for surgical options.

Bariatric procedures enable patients who have been unable to lose weight using diet and exercise alone to lose a significant amount of weight and maintain that loss over the long term. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, patients can generally expect to maintain weight loss equal to or greater than 50 percent of excess body weight if a physician's guidelines are followed carefully.

In addition, other concerns - including diabetes, hypertension, respiratory problems, heart disease and depression - may improve significantly after weight loss.

Take the Next Step | Find Out if You're a Candidate for Bariatric Surgery

Regardless of the path that is right for you, both medically managed weight loss and bariatric weight loss surgery can be very helpful tools in achieving long-term weight loss and improving the overall quality of your health. At Merit Health River Oaks, our bariatric surgery program guides patients in the Flowood area through the entire process. Are you ready to learn more?

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